Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Fears - Part 2

Ok, I know your all dying to read part two. (Not like anyone reads this, right? :P) So after I realized what my dreams were, it felt like I could actually achieve them. Once in a while I'll ask myself "What did you do today to get closer to your goals?" Everyday matters if you want to get where you're going. I felt very motivated by the end of the class. I wanted to get a job, I wanted finish my homework, I just wanted to do something. Still, every once in a while I feel myself start to slip, I procrastinate. Which I should warn you does NOT work for homeschooling. Bad idea. Homeschooling + Procrastination= A very bad mix of a large dose of homework that still needs to be done and a feeling of not being content - ever. My fear also plays a big part in it all. I don't want to get a job for the fear of messing up. I don't even go into stores alone never mind work there. I know, I'm a wuss . I am afraid of driving, but I think it's a psychological fear. Once I'm actually behind the wheel I think I'll be ok. College scares me too. I am NOT ready (possibly ever) ready to move out of my house. My drafty, old, sagging, leaking thing of a house, I do not want to leave it. Even though I know I'll probably love college.
Now that I think about it, it's ALL ginormous different psychological fears mixing in a huge pot of evil and doubt. It just needs to go.

F - False
E - Expectations
A - Appearing
R - Real
- Zig Zigler

I know one day I'll overcome my fears (sooner than I'd like, which scares me even more) since most of them are kind of mandatory for adulthood survival, lol. But I tell you it's also this evil stage of wanting to be treated like an adult while still being the 'little girl' of the family. I turned 17 a few days ago. I'm not ready for 17. I don't think anyone else was either. But it's here, and it came. Seventeen still sounds old to me...weird.

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