Thursday, September 24, 2009

To Go or Not To Go?

Sorry I haven't been on for a while, blogging hasn't been on my mind lately. Haha, I might as well just call this 'Lauryn's Blog!' I started school last week - more like unfinished schoolwork from last year. What has preoccupied my mind is college. Everyone always asks you "So you're going to college?"and "What are your plans for next year?". My automatic response is "Yes" and "College", but I never stopped and thought why I really wanted to go. College, as I knew it, was a must. It was the next step, the buffer between school and reality, the place where you found life-long friends and trained you for the job of your life - and gave you a good reputation. I thought I knew what I wanted to do, I thought I knew what career was for me, but when I got a taste for it, I realized that's not exactly what I wanted. I have an interest in many things, I know what I like and what I don't like, but I don't know what I want to do. There are a lot of jobs out there that I haven't discovered yet, and I understand that a lot of jobs require a college degree. So why am I rethinking this whole college idea? First - money. Yes, I know you can get financial aid, or student loans. But why be years into debt for classes I don't even want to take? I think if I wanted my own business, my money could be used for that. Second - I like the idea of having alternatives, like taking individual classes. Or why not travel? Have the world be my classroom (not that traveling is a cheaper option). I could do mission trips, for example. The thing is, I know I probably won't be motivated in college. If I teach myself what I want to learn (which is what homeschooling is anyway), I will be a whole lot more motivated and it will most likely stick in my head longer. When I think of people who haven't gone to college, I somewhat look down upon them. Not that I was brought up that way at all. My mom wasn't able to finish college, and I think she is a very smart person. But I think that I feel that way because I have high expectations of myself and feel like others have of me too...whenever someones asks me those typical questions. So I'm weighing the pros and cons of college - which I should have done like two years ago. The good thing is my parents have no qualms about me not choosing college, as long as I find my path.


Hannah :) said...

Lauryn! I really love your thoughts on this subject! I personally am not someone in favor of college. It certainly isn't right for me.
Dont you just LOVE how people assume you are going and you have to have life all figured out by age 18? UGH I just LOVE IT! (I hope you sense my sarcasm)
The money is a big issue with me as well. I dont like the thought of paying something off for the rest of my life! Living in debt? That sounds scary.
I like taking individual classes because you really can pick and choose different areas of interest without feeling locked into a major or profession. (Plus you can pay cash for them and they aren't that expensive!)

I know a lot of people who went to college and they have stuck with their profession for the past 30 years! So that's good for them. But I also know people who went, spent money LOADS OF IT, and tell me they look back and wish they hadn't.

I also love living at home and being local as a place of residence. Being out of my parents covering could lead to problems... I do make my own choices but I also hear their advice because they could help me sway from doing some life-altering mistakes.

Traveling is SUPER AWESOME. Tasting of different cultures would be spectacular!

It's really up to God and what he wants you to do. We make mistakes in life. I think your thinking is great as you have looked into the pros and cons.

I'll be praying for you! Praying God throws you that neon flashing sign ;)

Lauryn said...

Thanks, Hannah!

Yeah, I think people have too much stress put upon them at that age. I don't think college is for everyone. Right now, I don't want to do just one thing. I have a variety of interests that I have expressed to my parents. I took fashion design classes in Boston for a month and soon I might take photography classes or possibly intern for a photographer. So I am definitely pursuing what I love. The nice thing is, if I wanted to become a fashion designer or photographer I will most likely work independently, which doesn't require a college degree.

And yes, traveling will definitely be in my future! I convince my friends to come with me on dream trips to places we've never been. Therefore, I think you and I should go to Europe. ;)

Hannah :) said...

You and I? Europe? London!? I'M SO THERE WITH YOU! :D

Unknown said...

Hannah and Lauryn - I have a friend whose daughter and two of her friends took a year (maybe it was two years) after high school and taught English as a foreign language in schools across the world. They literally went everywhere - every continent. It sounded like such a blast. I could TOTALLY see the two of you doing that! As long as you sent postcards regularly so I could live vicariously through you! :)